Injury Update - May 16, 2008

Ironman Louisville training window - 807 days
Columbus Marathon training window - 156 days

Just wanted to bring everyone up to speed on my training and an update on my injury. The last time that I walked was the Sunday that I reported on in my last post. Since then, I have been back to my doctor. Since the anti-inflammatory meds didn't make much improvement to my situation, he wanted me to have x-rays taken of my hip and lower back to rule out bone problems. The results came back on Tuesday (5/13) with nothing showing except some slight arthritis. He didn't believe that this would cause the problems. The next step would be to get some physical therapy.

Yesterday was my initial assessment at Banyan Tree Rehabilitation. It went well. The end result of the meeting with the PT was that my hip flexors and hamstrings are tight and that I will need to start on some stretching to loosen them up. After that, exercises to strengthen my core muscles. The PT believes that I should see a marked improvement in about 3 weeks if I follow their instructions.

Trainng Log - May 5, 2008- One Step Forward - Two Steps Back

Ironman Louisville training window - 818 days
Columbus Marathon training window - 167 days

Well, the end of last week brought about a slight setback on the walking front. My Thursday walk at Creekside was about the same as the previous day. The temperature was better at about 66 degrees and the sun was out in force. I was able to finish the 3 miles but the final half mile was at a much slower pace and with the hip pain once again. My time was 57:43 and my pace was 19:14.

I was hoping that Sunday would be a better walk. I woke with some of the same hip pain that I have had before – not a good sign. Once again, it was a beautiful day with temps in the 70’s and sunshine. Antrim park was packed with folks out riding on the bike trail and those walking on the trail. I had to park about a third of a mile from the trail. The first 2 miles were OK (18:22 and 17:33) and I felt good heading into the third mile. By the time I hit mile 3, my time was 19:02 and I was in pain. It was a foregone conclusion that there would not be a fourth mile. My problem at that time was that I was on the far side of the lake and it was 0.6 miles to the trail exit. After that, there was the 0.33 mile walk to the car. By the time I got to the car, I was limping pretty well. Not sure what the doctor is going to say about this.