Season's Greetings - December 9, 2008
Not much has gone on since the half marathon. I got the low down from my doctor as to the possible reason for my passing out after the race. He told me that it was probably due to the level of sodium in my blood. Either too high or too low and you can find yourself on the deck. He said that there had probably been at least 2-3 folks that had passed out at the race by the time I crossed the finish line. Volumes of studies have been conducted to try to determine what the optimum sodium level is. He did an EKG test just to be sure and everything was fine.
In my previous post, I promised the link to my marathon photos. Click here to see the photos. You will need to enter my last name and my bib# (32).
Since then, I have pretty much taken a break from the training. I am still not sure how much I will train during the winter - walking wise. I do plan on continuing to incorporate the core training into my schedule.
I will once again be involved with an online forum "holiday mini challenge" that starts today. I will attempt to post here how that is coming along. I would like to get my diet back under some semblance of control. I liked the results that I got from the TNT Diet. I was not too thrilled with how I felt cutting out the breads and starches. So, I will be going with a modified TNT diet. I will be cutting the carbs back to about 20% of total calories and see how it goes from there. I would like to see if I can cut that percentage back some more. For the resistance training I will be working on the core training and doing some body weight exercises from Turbulence Training.
I hope that you and your family have a wonderful holiday season.
Rehab Report - October 21, 2008
Ironman Louisville training window - 668 days
2009 Columbus Marathon training window - 361 days
I just wanted to pop in and let everyone know how the body is responding after Sunday. I am happy to say that my muscles are, for the most part, now speaking to me again. My shoulders and back are 100%, my feet still have some sore spots - but none of the blisters of last year (yeah!!!). The calves are getting better every day. Yesterday, I looked like a very old man as I was forced to take very small, shuffling steps. Especially after sitting for any time. I am walking much better today and I can do some light stretching of the calves without the burning pain. My head is also doing better. Shaving the head today was not as painful as yesterday.
All in all, I am impressed by how quickly this wonderful body we have been given by God can repair itself. I am also glad that I took the last two days off from work to recuperate.
I have not been notified that the pictures are available but I will provide a link to any shots that they took once I get it.
The 2008 Columbus Half Marathon Report - Oct. 19, 2008
Ironman Louisville training window - 670 days
Columbus Half Marathon Race Day
The 2008 Columbus Marathon and ½ Marathon is now in the record books. It was a chilly 39° at the starting line at Broad and Third Street. The gun went off at 7:30AM and the sold out field of 11,000 runners and walkers began their journeys. I was with the other walkers at the back of the pack. We slowly moved forward and crossed the starting line at about 7:40.
The first 5 miles went pretty well and I was impressed with my times. They were around the 16:45 mark. The sun began to come up and it slowly began to warm up. At around the half way mark, things began to unravel. The hip pain that I had been experiencing earlier in the summer started to rear its ugly head. By mile 8, I began to notice that my calf muscles were beginning to cramp up. I would have to stop about once or twice a mile to stretch all the way to the finish line.
The high point of the race (other than hitting the finish line) was making the turn from Schiller Park on to High Street. This was at about mile 11. At that point, I knew that I was going to make it. According to my watch, my final time was 3:54:23. The official chip time was 3:54:28. Here are my split times for the course: 1- 16:54, 2- 16:26, 3- 16:14, 4- 16:27, 5- 16:17, 6- 16:43, 7- 17:37, 8- 18:16, 9- 18:28, 10- 19:47, 11- 19:37, 12- 20:32 and 13 to finish line- 21:09.
Yesterday, I wrote that I would finish the race and that I would like to do it in less than 4 hours. Both accomplished. I also knew at that time that there would be a price to pay. My body hurts – hurts all over. Calves, thighs, hips, feet, shoulders and back muscles are all letting me know that they didn’t enjoy what I put them through. I wanted to complete this half marathon for many reasons but the most important one for me was to know that what little training I was able to do was not for nothing. I have my second half marathon under my belt and the poster frame picture I hang in my office about this race will be a constant reminder that sometimes dreams come with a struggle. As the quote in my office says….
“Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory.” William Barclay
I take this race and the struggles and know that God gets the glory for it. He alone gave me the strength to continue when my body screamed stop. My aches and pains will go away in a day or so – but I leave this training season knowing that He will always be my training partner.
Pre Race Post - October 18, 2008
Ironman Louisville training window - 671 days
Columbus Half Marathon training window - 1 day
Well it’s been a while since I popped in and wrote about what has been going on. It is now about 11 hours until the Columbus marathon. I would like to be able to say that I am confident looking forward to tomorrow. I can’t really say that.
I believe that my last post mentioned that I was going to see the physical medicine doctor. He listened to my symptoms and ran a few checks and tests. He pronounced that my circulation in my legs was good as was my reflexes. He did say that he believed (with about 95% certainty) that my problem was related to a degenerative disk disorder. He let me know that almost everyone has it in some shape or form. Good news – I don’t need surgery. Bad news – there is nothing that they can do. I was told that I can help lessen the symptoms by losing weight and doing more core exercises. I continued my training but there wasn’t much time left.
Now I stand looking at the race tomorrow. I believe that I will complete the half marathon. I would like to finish in under 4 hours but at this point I will be glad to finish.
I will post tomorrow once I am back home. It should be a good race. The weather calls for sunny skies. The temperatures will be in the 30’s at around the starting time – 7:30AM. It should begin to warm up some. The high temp should be in the 60’s.
See ya tomorrow!!!!
DLF >>> DNF >>>> DNS
Return of the Healthy Sick man
Columbus Half Marathon training window - 58 days
After a very long hiatus, I am back. My absence has been due to my journey over the last few weeks to attempt to explain my running out of “steam” early in my walks. I have had a stress test (results came back OK) and have had a complete blood workup done (also came back clean). My doctor is at his wits end to explain it. He wants me to see a “Physical Medicine” doctor to see what they say.
The entire process has moved me from being concerned to now I am just pissed off. So Tuesday of this week I hit the trails at Creekside and for the first time in weeks – did the 3 miles without any problems. I followed that performance with repeats on Wednesday and yesterday. Times have gotten better and better with each walk !!!
I was at one point ready to throw in the towel for even doing the half marathon in October. Now I am at the point that I want to see how my mileage does this weekend to see if I can salvage my plans. If I can hit 4 miles this weekend with no return of the symptoms, I believe that I can still do the race. I am under no delusion that I can come close to my time from last year. After the train wreck that this spring/summer training has been, all I really want to do is finish the course.
I have several motivational quotes in my office at work. Right now there are 2 that are on the white board that I look at everyday. I placed them there back in March – before beginning training for the Marathon. They are even more appropriate now.
“He who conquers others is strong; he who conquers himself is mighty” Lao Tzu
“Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory.” William Barclay
Training Log - July 14, 2008
Columbus Half Marathon training window - 97 days
Without trying to make this year’s training into a greek tragedy, I have to report the latest bump in my road to the Columbus marathon. I mentioned in my last post about losing steam towards the end of my walk. This has continued throughout the walks since. This caused me to visit my MD again to see what he thought. He ruled out the HBP med that he has me on since it does not work with the cardio-vascular system. He was left with either A: my heart rate and BP drop during exercise for some reason or B – due to my sparse training this year, I am experiencing de-conditioning. The only way to check on option A is to do a stress test (I am scheduled for one on 7/28) and monitor heart rate and BP on a treadmill. My hope is that this will come back OK and it is just option B.
Regardless of the outcome of this situation, I have come to the realization that the Columbus Marathon is no longer feasible for me. I sent an e-mail to the registration folks at the marathon and have asked that they switch my registration to the Half Marathon. With 14 weeks to go, I had fallen too far behind my training to catch up without running the risk of injury. My current mileage is in line with where I would be in a half marathon schedule.
I did 3 miles at Antrim Park on Sunday in 54:00 minutes and an average pace of 18 min/mile. The “loss of steam” hit at about 27 min but I decided to continue and hit the 3 miles. Not a pretty last mile. Split times were: 1) 17:40, 2) 17:10 and 3) 19:10.
Training Report - July 1, 2008
Columbus Marathon training window - 110 days
With little fanfare, I return to the world of the blogs. I know that there was great excitement when my therapy was completed and I thought that I would be getting back to the training for the Columbus Marathon. Well …….. as fate would have it – the training would have to wait a little while longer. The week that I cleared therapy I ran into another bump in the road. Without going into great detail, I ended up with 5 stitches in my leg and put off training until now.
I am back at it.
Sunday was my first real attempt to get back on the training schedule. I was at Antrim Park and did 2 miles in 35:29 with a pace of 17:45. It was nice to be there but the weather looked like it was going to cut loose with a nasty storm so I cut my day short.
Today, I was at Creekside and it was wonderful. The temp was in the mid 70’s and there was a slight breeze. I did 3 miles in 54:47 and a pace of 18:16. Not the best but much better than what I was doing a couple of months ago. I started to lose steam towards the end of the second mile and noticed that my feet are not used to the distance. I am sure that both of these things will ease with time and training.
I did find the following online today and wanted to share it with you (I’m amazed how many of these I can relate to!)
26.2 Ways You Know You Are a Runner/Walker
1. You know how many miles there are in a marathon.
2. Your weekly mileage is how much you run, not your commute to work.
3. You know how many miles you get out of a pair of running shoes.
4. You can convert Kilometers to Miles in your head.
5. You measure your running route in your car to get the exact mileage.
6. When someone tells you their age, you automatically know their Boston qualifying time.
7. You know Grandma's as the route from Two Harbors to Duluth, not the person.
8. You can drink, blow your nose and pee on the run.
9. The problem with the treadmill is there's no place to spit.
10. You have less than ten toenails and that's normal for you.
11. Body Glide is your friend.
12. Ibuprofen is affectionately known as "Vitamin I".
13. Navigating casual walkers, dogs and baby strollers annoys you because it interrupts your pace.
14. When you participate in an organized event, you know not to run in your race t-shirt.
15. You have a favorite energy gel and flavor.
16. The "Picasso" above your fireplace is last year's TCM poster.
17. You have pre and post race rituals.
18. The journal you keep is in miles and pace not feelings or thoughts.
19. When you look at the weather conditions, you calculate how many layers to wear.
20. The pride you feel after a good run is worth the pain it took to get there.
21. You have more t-shirts than you could possibly wear.
22. When you hear the word "bib", you think of race numbers not babies and Gerber food.
23. The "no carbohydrate diet" does not apply to you.
24. You know that Fartlek is not vulgar terminology.
25. A hill is an opportunity just waiting to be challenged.
26. You know the phrase "you're almost there" only applies when the finish line is in sight.
.2 Your vacation destination is determined by your race schedule.
Graduation Day - June 6, 2008
Columbus Marathon training window - 135 days
Great news again today !!!!!
I have “graduated” from my physical therapy sessions. I have shown enough improvement that Brian feels that I can continue the exercises at home. I thought that today would just be a consultation like session – boy was I wrong. No, he handed me off to the athletic trainer for my workout. I thought that they felt that this was their last chance to kill me off and they didn’t want to miss out. It was a beast of a work out. The trainer ran me through my exercises but changed up the order and added sets to some others. I felt “great” at the end. Truthfully, I will miss going to the sessions. They have done what they told me could be done – if I followed their directions.
Marathon training here I come!
Training/Rehab Update - June 3, 2008
Columbus Marathon training window - 138 days
Just got back from my training walk at Creekside. Completed 3 miles with a time of 57:24 and a pace of 19:08 !!!!!! Not the greatest times but once again quite a psychological boost. I did finish with some pain in my hip but the pain was gone within about 10 min. and I am now walking around – no pain present.
My split times were: 1) 19:59, 2) 18:48 and 3) 18:37. About a mile into the walk, I was feeling some soreness in the hip but then it went away and I was able to do the rest of the walk at a pace that is closer to my usual pace. This is what I needed!
Rehab Update - June 2, 2008
Columbus Marathon training window - 139 days
Haven’t been in here for quite a while so I thought that I would bring everyone up to speed.
Since my last entry, I was seen by Brian - another PT at Banyan Tree. He did some additional testing and determined that my left hip was rotated forward. This is probably causing pressure on the nerve in my lower back and has caused my left leg to be a little longer than the right leg. He was able to manipulate my hip back into the correct position. He said that we will concentrate on my core muscles because they will help to hold my hip in the correct position. I haven’t done so much exercising with my stomach muscles in a very long time (I guess that was no surprise to him).
The physical therapy has come along very well. I was supposed to have 3 sessions this week but was told last week by the PT that I would only have to come in on Friday. This was as long as I was able to do some walks without the hip pain over this last weekend and this week. I am amazed that the hip has recovered as fast as it has. I am still doing at home the stretches and the exercises that they have taught me.
Yesterday, I took another try at Antrim Park. Throughout the morning, I felt some pain in my lower back but did some stretches before leaving. That seemed to help. I decided that I was not going to time myself – as I just wanted to get back into the saddle again. It was just a leisurely Sunday walk in the park. I did look at my watch at the 1 mile mark to see how long it took (I couldn’t help myself!!!). It took me around 20 minutes to go 1 mile. I decided at the end of the loop that I would end there. There was a tightness in my hip that was starting to become more noticeable. Best not to push too hard too soon.
While 20 minutes is not my best time, it was great to get back to the park. A psychological victory and one that I needed. I was starting to think that the marathon goal was going to have to wait.
Injury Update - May 16, 2008
Columbus Marathon training window - 156 days
Just wanted to bring everyone up to speed on my training and an update on my injury. The last time that I walked was the Sunday that I reported on in my last post. Since then, I have been back to my doctor. Since the anti-inflammatory meds didn't make much improvement to my situation, he wanted me to have x-rays taken of my hip and lower back to rule out bone problems. The results came back on Tuesday (5/13) with nothing showing except some slight arthritis. He didn't believe that this would cause the problems. The next step would be to get some physical therapy.
Yesterday was my initial assessment at Banyan Tree Rehabilitation. It went well. The end result of the meeting with the PT was that my hip flexors and hamstrings are tight and that I will need to start on some stretching to loosen them up. After that, exercises to strengthen my core muscles. The PT believes that I should see a marked improvement in about 3 weeks if I follow their instructions.
Trainng Log - May 5, 2008- One Step Forward - Two Steps Back
Columbus Marathon training window - 167 days
Well, the end of last week brought about a slight setback on the walking front. My Thursday walk at Creekside was about the same as the previous day. The temperature was better at about 66 degrees and the sun was out in force. I was able to finish the 3 miles but the final half mile was at a much slower pace and with the hip pain once again. My time was 57:43 and my pace was 19:14.
I was hoping that Sunday would be a better walk. I woke with some of the same hip pain that I have had before – not a good sign. Once again, it was a beautiful day with temps in the 70’s and sunshine. Antrim park was packed with folks out riding on the bike trail and those walking on the trail. I had to park about a third of a mile from the trail. The first 2 miles were OK (18:22 and 17:33) and I felt good heading into the third mile. By the time I hit mile 3, my time was 19:02 and I was in pain. It was a foregone conclusion that there would not be a fourth mile. My problem at that time was that I was on the far side of the lake and it was 0.6 miles to the trail exit. After that, there was the 0.33 mile walk to the car. By the time I got to the car, I was limping pretty well. Not sure what the doctor is going to say about this.
Training Log - April 29, 2008
Columbus Marathon training window - 173 days
My recovery continues...... I was able to get a walk in on Saturday and was able to walk today at Creekside.
Saturday was my 3 miler at Antrim. It was nice to get back to that park again. The weather was not as good as it has been over the last few days. It was around 65 and began to drizzle as I began my first lap around the lake. I was able to finish the 3 miles without discomfort in 52:34 and a pace of 17:31 min/mile. I was elated to be able to get the distance in. The rest of the weekend was quite busy. Saturday afternoon was my niece's first birthday!! Not that Rebecca or Riley will remember it - but it was a great party with about 50 people showing up. Sunday was their baby dedication/baptism. I was asked to stand as Riley's godfather. An honor. It was also my brother's 40th birthday so we had lunch at their home.
Today I was excited to get another 3 miler in on the heels of the weekend. The walk started good - but I was only able to get 2.75 miles in before my hip started hurting again. Kind of a let down but I came close to hitting the goal. My time was 46:45 and a pace time of 17:00 min/mile. Now that I am back at work, the hip is not hurting so I think that I will be OK.
Training Log - April 24, 2008 The Road to Recovery
Columbus Marathon training window - 178 days
Today was another beautiful day here in Central Ohio. The picture perfect Spring day. It was made even better by the fact that I have not had any hip discomfort today.
I was eager to get to the park and see how well it went. I was able to do 2 miles with very little discomfort. I had plans to try to do 3 miles but decided not to try to push it. My time was 36:13 with a pace of 18:06. Not quite back to my usual pace but better than the 19-20 min paces for the last few outings. Will set myself the goal of 3 miles with a pace no greater than 18:10 min/mile for my walk on Saturday.
Training Update - April 22, 2008 - Let the Healing Begin
Columbus Marathon training window - 180 days
I can't believe that it has been over 2 weeks since my last post.
Here's the catch-up for you. I mentioned in my last post that my left hip had been bothering me. I thought that it was a tight IT band. Wrong. I continued to try to train but was not able to do anything beyond about a mile and a half before the pain began. Ended up not walking in the Dam Fool 4 Miler on Sunday because I couldn't see attempting a four mile race if I couldn't get beyond 2 miles. I finally decided to call the doctor last week after the pain didn't ease up after my last "training walk" on the 15th.
I went today and he believes that I have a pinched nerve in my lower back and that is what is causing the problems. I am now on anti-inflammatory meds for the next 2 weeks. He wants me to continue to walk until the pain hits but not to try to walk through it. He hopes that with the meds - I will be able to gradually add more distance in the next weeks. If not and the pain continues, he said that imaging might be necessary to see what is going on.
So today I hit Creekside park for the first time in over a week. It was a beautiful day - sunny skies with temps in the 70's. I was able to do about a mile with some discomfort. The hip still has some aches even now. We'll have to see what happens over the next week.
An update to Run Happy 5K
Started doing some stretching of the IT band and have noticed that the soreness is beginning to lessen. Yeah! I want to get started on the training.
Inspirational VIdeo - Evan Morgan
This story comes from KGET 17 in Bakersfield, CA.
I have added a link to the Challenged Athletes Foundation in my links area.
Training Log Update - April 2, 2008
Columbus Marathon training window - 200 days
The start of a new month also brings the start of my 28 week training program for the Columbus Marathon. Unfortunately, it didn't begin with the strongest of starts. Instead of the 3 mile walk yesterday, I was able to complete only a little over 1 mile. I have been dealing with hip pain for the last 2 weeks off an on. It really came back on the walk. Not sure if the problem is a tight IT band or what. Decided to ease off this week and concentrate on doing some stretching and see if that helps.
Completed the Run Happy 5K on Saturday with a time of 52:46. Not the best but not too far off from where I should be. Look forward to getting into the training stride.
Training Log Update - March 12, 2008
I was able to get a walk in last Thursday at Creekside. The creek was flooded so most of the path that I walk was not accessible. I was able to use a .2 mile stretch and went back and forth and did 2 miles. My time was 33:10 with a pace of 16:35. Splits were 16:44 and 16:27.
I was able to get to Creekside yesterday after enough of the 20" snowfall we got on Saturday had melted from the path. I was able to do 2.1 miles with a time of 34:56 and a pace of 16:38. Splits were 19:07 for the first 1.1 miles and 15:49 for the last mile.
I am planning on getting a 3 miler in tomorrow as I get ready for the Run Happy 5K on the 29th and the start of my training program for the 2008 Columbus Marathon.
Everyone's Doing It
Working plumber Buster Martin ran Sunday's Roding Valley half marathon in Essex in five hours 13 minutes, and is now focusing on London's 26-mile event.
On finishing the run, the first words of the ex-member of rock band The Zimmers were: "Where's my beer?"
Mr Martin, who has 17 children, started work at Pimlico Plumbers in London three years ago because he was bored.
He drank a tankard of ale before signing autographs and chatting to fans near the finish line of the Essex race.
'A revelation'
Charlie Mullins, managing director of Pimlico Plumbers, said he was "amazed" when Mr Martin appeared at work on Monday morning after his exertions.
He said: "I was amazed and delighted, he turned up on time and set to work polishing the vans. He's a revelation."
Mr Martin's trainer is marathon enthusiast Harmander Singh, who helped Fauja Singh, 96, break the London marathon record for the over-90s.
Buster, who lives in London, made headlines last year when he signed up as an agony uncle for men's magazine FHM, offering guidance to a younger generation.
He also found fame when The Zimmers, who had a combined age of more than 3,000 years, scored a hit single last year with a cover of The Who's My Generation.
Published: 2008/03/03 19:02:20 GMT
Training Log - March 3, 2008
Good afternoon everyone! While it is a very soggy day here in Central Ohio today, yesterday was a beautiful day. A great day to be out on the trails of Creekside Park at lunch. And that is exactly where I was yesterday.
The temp was around 65 degrees and quite windy. I decided that because I haven't been able to get to the park to walk since February 6th that I would only do 2 miles for this week's walks. I completed the walk in 36:09 with a pace of 18:04. It was good to get out again .... I can't wait until its that temp on a regular basis!
I did get a little encouragement for my training for the Columbus Marathon. It came in the form of a phone conversation with an end user at another building. He stated while we were working thru a computer issue that he heard that I ran. I replied that I didn't run but instead walked and did many 5K's and other races and did the half marathon. His response was along the lines of "oh you just walk ........ well that's better than doing nothing" ?!?! I checked the results from the Columbus Half and Full Marathon for 2007 and did not find his name listed there. I also forgot to inform him that even though I was "only walking" I finished ahead of 286 others including 3 runners. Oh, well. I'm sure that he would have a good excuse to counter with.
Race Report - February 19, 2008
Here is the report from the "Last Chance for Boston" 5K on Sunday. The weather that was being forecast for the weekend didn't really materialize. It was about 38 degrees when I got to the race area in Dublin. There was off and on light rain that became more steady the closer it got to race time.
Thankfully, it eased off just before the race began. There were about 430 folks racing in the 5K, 10K, Half Marathon and Marathon. The 5k and half marathon groups (202 people) started at the same point. Once the horn went off, something became very clear. I was the only walker in my group. About the time that I got beyond the quarter mile mark, the rest of the 5K and half group lapped me. I heard the thundering footsteps of the 10K and marathoners a few minutes later. This was the way it went for the entire race. I was constantly being passed. For the most part, I tried to stay out of the way. I did have 2 racers compliment me and give me words of encouragement.
My official time was 52:08. My pace was 16:46. I DLF'ed (Dead Last Finish)the race as I expected. What did come as a surprise, was that there was only 34 people in the 5K. Awards were to be given to the top 20 men and women. I finished 18th out of 18 men in the 5K so I will be receiving a plaque for this. This reminds me of what happened last year with the "Dam Fool 4 Miler". I DLF'ed that as well but was the only male walker in the race - so I took 1st place in the male walkers. I received a gift certificate to a local restaurant. Being rewarded for DLF'ing is not right ----- but I'll take it anyways!!!!!
On to the next race. It will be the "Run Happy 5K" at the end of March. After that, the training will begin for the Columbus Marathon.
Nothing to do with training
Update - February 13, 2008
Hello from chilly Central Ohio. The weather has not been too cooperative over the last few days for walking. After the rains of last week, winter made us remember what time of the year it is. I tried to walk on Monday but was deterred by a wind chill of 12 degrees and a light pole downed across the path. The last two days have been snowy, windy and slushy.
I am hoping that the weather holds over the weekend. I will be doing a 5K in the "Last Chance for Boston" race. This will be an interesting race. It will be held in Dublin, OH and is a 1 mile loop course. Along with the 5K there will be a 10K, Half Marathon and full Marathon going on at the same course. This should be interesting!!!!! Just checked the weather and they are forecasting snow for Sunday morning.
From the Ironman front, I was able to procure lodgings in Louisville for the Saturday and Sunday that I will be there volunteering. I will be staying a few blocks away from the course and the action. I also received the following info in my inbox:
Tune into NBC this Saturday at 2 p.m. EST (check local listings for the time in your area) for the dramatic coverage of the world's toughest one-day endurance competition, the Ford Ironman World Championship from Kailua-Kona, Hawaii.
Heading into the 2007 event, much of the pre-race media focused on the anticipated battle between Chris McCormack and his German rivals, Normann Stadler and Faris Al-Sultan. The women's race was also expected to be a close duel as defending champion Michellie Jones and six-time winner Natascha Badmann took on a competitive field. Last year's event also saw the emergence of a number of Kona "rookies," including the 2006 Ford Ironman 70.3 World Champions Samantha McGlone and Craig Alexander, along with Britain's latest Ironman phenom, Chrissie Wellington.
In addition to an exciting professional field, the show profiles some of the inspirational athletes who took part in the race. In 2004 college swim star Brian Boyle was in a car accident that almost took his life. He died eight times on the operating table. Boyle would eventually return to collegiate swimming and take on the challenge of the 2007 Ford Ironman World Championship. Other features include the stories of Scott Rigsby, who arrived in Kona last year hoping to become the first above-the-knee double-amputee to finish the Ironman World Championship, and blind athlete Charlie Plaskon, who competed on behalf of the C Different Foundation.
For nearly three decades, the drama of Ironman has captured the attention of millions around the world. Its compelling stories of ordinary people accomplishing the extraordinary move and inspire television viewers of all ages. Experience Ironman, up close and personal, this Saturday, on NBC.
So if you have some time on Saturday - check it out.
Louisville Here I Come
I have volunteered to work the Volunteer tent on Saturday afternoon and then to do the Body Marking ( put the race numbers on the participants) very early Sunday morning. I will probably hang around for a little while and then head back to Columbus for the remainder of the Labor Day weekend and my birthday. I am kinda excited about this.
Training Log - February 6, 2008
Today's post could be titled "water, water everywhere....". Central Ohio has been getting some heavy steady rains for the last couple of days. This of course brings about the possibility of flooding of creeks, rivers and low lying areas. As it so happens, Creekside Park (notice the name) is prone to flooding. The Big Walnut Creek runs through the park and comes out of the Hoover Reservoir. I was ready to get to the park and find the paths closed as they run under a bridge and flood when the creek rises. Luck was with me today as the path on the side of the creek that I use for most of my walk was open. I could see the other side was closed and was under water.
I knew that the water would be up so I brought along my camera and took some photos. But first my stats. I did get my 3 miles done in a time of 54:17. My pace was 18:06. The weather was 43 degrees with a wind chill of 39 degrees. This would come to play at the end of the walk when I stopped walking and was soaked to the bone.
Here is a sign that I see each time I walk in the park.
Even the ducks got a little calmer area to hang out in.
This looks bad - but it is nothing compared to the January 2005 flood.

Training Report and Inspiration - February 4, 2008
Good Monday to everyone! I hope that everyone had a great weekend and didn't overdo it with the Superb**l festivities. I love watching teams that everyone says shouldn't even be in the game take down the supposed best team.
I went out a lunch today and did my 3 miles at Creekside. The weather was OK -- not the 60 degrees of past weeks but not the single digit wind chills of others. It was cloudy with a temp of around 45 degrees. Just right. Got to lose the wool cap and gloves for just a baseball cap and bare hands. Can't wait for spring but this isn't too bad either.
Total time for today was 52:19 with a pace of 17:26 min/mile. Split times were: (1) 17:28, (2) 18:01 and (3) 16:50. Felt good - no problems with the ankle at all.
I also wanted to post this week's video.
Injury Update
Inspirational Video - January 28, 2008
Training Log - January 28, 2008
Of course, it's always easier to take that step when it is sunny and 37 degrees rather that cloudy and 20 degrees with a wind chill in the single digits. But I'll take my victories where I can find them.
I decided that since I am coming off the ankle "injury" ( I still haven't heard the results of last week's X-ray!!!) and a 3 week hiatus that I would start with an easy 2 mile walk. The ankle did OK. It is still a little stiff and still aches at times - like now sitting at my desk. I completed the walk in 35:44 with a pace of 17:52 min/mile. The split times were 17:40 for mile 1 and 18:04 for mile 2.
Good Intentions
Yesterday morning I got a reply to the e-mail that I sent to my Dr. to let him know that the ankle was good to walk on but not so good going down stairs. His reply was to let me know that he wanted it x-rayed. So I spent my lunch plus some at St. Ann's Diagnostic Center. The radiologist will be looking at the shots and will let my Dr. know the results (probably today or tomorrow).
So let's see what today brings. Hopefully, I will be able to post a Training Log for today.
Weekly Video - January 22, 2008
Update - January 16, 2008
Still experiencing a little soreness and swelling on the ankle. Walking doesn't cause too many problems. Stairs were and still are the problem. Especially going down stairs - there is something about the weight on the toes and forefoot that is not working. Still hoping that I will notice some improvement with the stairs by early next week.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!
Inspirational VIdeo - January 14, 2008
Here is the video for this week.
Inspirational Video
It was difficult to watch this year's IM World Championships and to know that this would probably be the last time that the Hoyts would be attempting the IM. It was even more moving to watch them miss the cut off time for the swim section of the race.
Training Log - January 7, 2008
Went walking today at Creekside during lunch. The weather today was a prime example of how flirtatious the weather can be in Central Ohio. One week ago, I was walking in the New Year's Day 5K and dealing with 30 degrees and 25+ mph winds. Today, it was partly cloudy and around 60 degrees. It was a wonderful taste of spring - unfortunately, spring is couple of months off.
My time today was 52:44 with an average pace of 17:17 min/mile. Split times were: (1) 17:56, (2) 17:46 and (3) 17:03.
I did notice today that they are almost done with the new extension to the paths at Creekside Park. Can't wait to get to use them.
The Next Step in the Journey
I will be doing the usual walks during the next few months as the weather allows. April will be the start of my training program. I have set up a schedule similar to the one I followed last year for the Half Marathon. I will be slowly increasing the mileage from week to week. This will peak at two 20 mile walks in September. The distance still seems unreachable but the 10 milers seemed that way last summer. I really look forward to the training and taking the next step.

The Man Who Doesn't Make Excuses
"Matt Scott is a wheelchair basketball player, a NWBA star, a national champion, a tournament MVP and is training to qualify for the 2008 Paralympic Games in Beijing. He was born with spina bifida.
And he doesn't make excuses."
With his attitude there is no doubt that he will be on the 2008 team.
Happy New Year !! and a Race Report
I just wanted to start off the entry today with my best wishes for everyone for the new year. I should also say a very, very belated
I hope that everyone had a great time over these holidays. I know that I sure did and boy did the scale show it this morning. Not the best way to start the year off but I helps to provide motivation to change. The other thing that helps was to do a 5K this morning. So here is the race report.
The race today was the New Year's Day Resolution 5K held at the Westerville Sports Facility across Cleveland Ave. from the new rec center. I have to say that I was again surprised by the number of people that will come out on a holiday and participate in a race. What made the effort even more interesting was the weather. It was around 30 degrees and the winds were gusting from the west at about 25-30 mph. I dressed according to the rule of dressing for temps about 20 degrees warmer than it is. So, it was a layer of tech shirt and pants under a t-shirt and sweat pants and a windbreaker over that. Also present was the wool watch cap, ear covering and wool gloves. Needless to say that it wasn't until around the first mile that I started to feel warmer.
The race was around the fields there and then under Cleveland Ave to the turn around point and then back around the fields again to the finish line. Quite a few runners out today but not as many walkers. I am proud to say that I didn't pull a DLF (Dead Last Finish) like my first race of 2007. But I did finish ahead of the last 3-4 walkers. I am also proud of my time ----- 48:44. That is a new PR for me in the 5K !!! My mile splits were (1) 15:42, (2) 16:33, (3) 14:53 and the last tenth of a mile in 1:35.
It felt good to be in a race again. As a side note: My little toe that I broke on Dec. 20th did fine. I continue to buddy tape it.
It was a great start to 2008 and it is 942 days until August 2010!!!!!