Race Report - February 19, 2008
Here is the report from the "Last Chance for Boston" 5K on Sunday. The weather that was being forecast for the weekend didn't really materialize. It was about 38 degrees when I got to the race area in Dublin. There was off and on light rain that became more steady the closer it got to race time.
Thankfully, it eased off just before the race began. There were about 430 folks racing in the 5K, 10K, Half Marathon and Marathon. The 5k and half marathon groups (202 people) started at the same point. Once the horn went off, something became very clear. I was the only walker in my group. About the time that I got beyond the quarter mile mark, the rest of the 5K and half group lapped me. I heard the thundering footsteps of the 10K and marathoners a few minutes later. This was the way it went for the entire race. I was constantly being passed. For the most part, I tried to stay out of the way. I did have 2 racers compliment me and give me words of encouragement.
My official time was 52:08. My pace was 16:46. I DLF'ed (Dead Last Finish)the race as I expected. What did come as a surprise, was that there was only 34 people in the 5K. Awards were to be given to the top 20 men and women. I finished 18th out of 18 men in the 5K so I will be receiving a plaque for this. This reminds me of what happened last year with the "Dam Fool 4 Miler". I DLF'ed that as well but was the only male walker in the race - so I took 1st place in the male walkers. I received a gift certificate to a local restaurant. Being rewarded for DLF'ing is not right ----- but I'll take it anyways!!!!!
On to the next race. It will be the "Run Happy 5K" at the end of March. After that, the training will begin for the Columbus Marathon.
Nothing to do with training
Update - February 13, 2008
Hello from chilly Central Ohio. The weather has not been too cooperative over the last few days for walking. After the rains of last week, winter made us remember what time of the year it is. I tried to walk on Monday but was deterred by a wind chill of 12 degrees and a light pole downed across the path. The last two days have been snowy, windy and slushy.
I am hoping that the weather holds over the weekend. I will be doing a 5K in the "Last Chance for Boston" race. This will be an interesting race. It will be held in Dublin, OH and is a 1 mile loop course. Along with the 5K there will be a 10K, Half Marathon and full Marathon going on at the same course. This should be interesting!!!!! Just checked the weather and they are forecasting snow for Sunday morning.
From the Ironman front, I was able to procure lodgings in Louisville for the Saturday and Sunday that I will be there volunteering. I will be staying a few blocks away from the course and the action. I also received the following info in my inbox:
Tune into NBC this Saturday at 2 p.m. EST (check local listings for the time in your area) for the dramatic coverage of the world's toughest one-day endurance competition, the Ford Ironman World Championship from Kailua-Kona, Hawaii.
Heading into the 2007 event, much of the pre-race media focused on the anticipated battle between Chris McCormack and his German rivals, Normann Stadler and Faris Al-Sultan. The women's race was also expected to be a close duel as defending champion Michellie Jones and six-time winner Natascha Badmann took on a competitive field. Last year's event also saw the emergence of a number of Kona "rookies," including the 2006 Ford Ironman 70.3 World Champions Samantha McGlone and Craig Alexander, along with Britain's latest Ironman phenom, Chrissie Wellington.
In addition to an exciting professional field, the show profiles some of the inspirational athletes who took part in the race. In 2004 college swim star Brian Boyle was in a car accident that almost took his life. He died eight times on the operating table. Boyle would eventually return to collegiate swimming and take on the challenge of the 2007 Ford Ironman World Championship. Other features include the stories of Scott Rigsby, who arrived in Kona last year hoping to become the first above-the-knee double-amputee to finish the Ironman World Championship, and blind athlete Charlie Plaskon, who competed on behalf of the C Different Foundation.
For nearly three decades, the drama of Ironman has captured the attention of millions around the world. Its compelling stories of ordinary people accomplishing the extraordinary move and inspire television viewers of all ages. Experience Ironman, up close and personal, this Saturday, on NBC.
So if you have some time on Saturday - check it out.
Louisville Here I Come
I have volunteered to work the Volunteer tent on Saturday afternoon and then to do the Body Marking ( put the race numbers on the participants) very early Sunday morning. I will probably hang around for a little while and then head back to Columbus for the remainder of the Labor Day weekend and my birthday. I am kinda excited about this.
Training Log - February 6, 2008
Today's post could be titled "water, water everywhere....". Central Ohio has been getting some heavy steady rains for the last couple of days. This of course brings about the possibility of flooding of creeks, rivers and low lying areas. As it so happens, Creekside Park (notice the name) is prone to flooding. The Big Walnut Creek runs through the park and comes out of the Hoover Reservoir. I was ready to get to the park and find the paths closed as they run under a bridge and flood when the creek rises. Luck was with me today as the path on the side of the creek that I use for most of my walk was open. I could see the other side was closed and was under water.
I knew that the water would be up so I brought along my camera and took some photos. But first my stats. I did get my 3 miles done in a time of 54:17. My pace was 18:06. The weather was 43 degrees with a wind chill of 39 degrees. This would come to play at the end of the walk when I stopped walking and was soaked to the bone.
Here is a sign that I see each time I walk in the park.
Even the ducks got a little calmer area to hang out in.
This looks bad - but it is nothing compared to the January 2005 flood.

Training Report and Inspiration - February 4, 2008
Good Monday to everyone! I hope that everyone had a great weekend and didn't overdo it with the Superb**l festivities. I love watching teams that everyone says shouldn't even be in the game take down the supposed best team.
I went out a lunch today and did my 3 miles at Creekside. The weather was OK -- not the 60 degrees of past weeks but not the single digit wind chills of others. It was cloudy with a temp of around 45 degrees. Just right. Got to lose the wool cap and gloves for just a baseball cap and bare hands. Can't wait for spring but this isn't too bad either.
Total time for today was 52:19 with a pace of 17:26 min/mile. Split times were: (1) 17:28, (2) 18:01 and (3) 16:50. Felt good - no problems with the ankle at all.
I also wanted to post this week's video.